Depending upon item availability, your order will typically ship from our facility within 1-3 days after it has been received and in some cases it will ship the same day it is received. Orders are shipped by First Class Mail, Priority Mail, or UPS/FedEx depending upon the weight and volume of the package. Orders shipped to the 48 states are typically received within 3-8 business days after they have been placed. Orders shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, or Canada are typically received within 7-14 business days. Linen and Towel, is not responsible for delays caused by the courier, or replacement of lost orders submitted with incorrect or incomplete delivery information.
Shipping Rates
Order Total Shipping | Order Total Shipping |
$12 or less $3.50 | $12 or less $7.00 |
$25 or less $7.00 | $25 or less $14.00 |
$40 or less $8.00 | $40 or less $16.00 |
$60 or less $9.00 | $60 or less $18.00 |
$80 or less $10.00 | $80 or less $20.00 |
$125 or less $12.00 | $125 or less $24.00 |
Over $125.00 $15.00 | Over $125.00 $30.00 |